Thursday, January 28, 2010

Live from New York its....Saturday Night!!

Quite possibly the best day i have had in a long time. YOu ever have those days where you just wake up on the right side of the bed and everything falls into place from the get go. Well that was my day today! THis was despite not getting a whole lot of sleep as it was an early morning and i decided that drinks with a friend last night was a good idea. Anyways, 7am came quickly and we headed off to Rockefeller Center to load in and rehearse for our two song performance on this weekends Saturday Night Live. Now having done pretty much every major TV show at least twice over the course of the last five years, this particular show is an exclusive one that i have yet to be a part of. The band loads in and rehearses on Thursday, you have friday off, and then on saturday you show back up late in the afternoon, do a quick soundcheck, followed by a full dress rehearsal with a studio audience, and then of course the live show starting at 11:30EST with a new studio audience. Let me say that of all the crews i have worked with at the various shows todays group of people was amongst the best in the business.
Overall it was a really great day for Craigers that got off on the right foot and continued to get better with each passing hour. Please tune in on saturday night as i am positive it will be a memorable one and take comfort in knowing that I have the day off tomorrow....
till then...

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