Todays topic is the lack of confidence amongst my friends, and somewhat in myself. I mean i am a confident guy to a certain extent , but by no means am i over confident or egotistical. Its seems that more than a few of my friends keep holding back somewhat with regards to their careers or their lives just because they are afraid of failure. i say fuck the fear and go forward with your plans, goals, and potential achievements. Confidence is key but it is by no means the be all end all. Walk the walk, talk the talk, play the part, and pretend you know what you are doing. If you fall on your face, get back up quickly and get back at it! I know for myself the notion of fear or failure that resides in the back of my head at all times is what keeps me on my toes and progressing forward. Once you lose the fear i think its all downhill.
My advice today peeps and readers (although their is none) , is that you walk with your head held high, chin up, and know that you can do whatever you set out to achieve!
As cheesy as it sounds, it is true!
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