Monday, May 9, 2011

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Musique Francais

Several of my friends that i spend a fair bit of time with on the road are from La Belle Province! Montreal to be precise. Similar to myself they are avid music lovers and take their interests and collections very seriously.
I have never been not into french music, but i have also never really been into french music..make sense? I mean we all know Mitsou and her amazing assets...I am talking about her voice you know! We are also well aware of the many Montreal bands who have recorded in english and become quite popular through the years in Canada and internationally. However for myself , I had never purchased a french language record and was unaware of just how deep the talent really is.
I started to become aware of the movement in Quebec during the 2010 Olympic Games in Vancouver. If you follow or read my blog you will know i worked every single day of the games at the mainstage downtown, and despite my grumbles and bitches, quite enjoyed and savour the experience. Now through the powers of the Quebec government and arts associations, several French artists graced my stage and all of them blew my mind! Now after leaving the Olympics and starting the Crazy Love Tour I became friends with some tour mates from Montreal working in both Audio and Video on our tour.
One of these cats is my good friend David who is as passionate about music as I am, and we started to talk about what amazing bands played the Olympics, like Malajube, Les Breast Feeders, Coure De Pirate (please disregard some of my spelling) and many others. David helped me in my quest for quality French music and my personal mission to seek credibility in La Belle Province!
The following are artists in rotation with me and i think you should check out for yourself. Now i am also trying , very lazily i might add, to learn to speak the language. However music knows no language, so despite not having a friggen clue what they are singing about half the time, I am moved by the music, melodies, voices, harmonies, and all things associated with these artists.
Here are a few ...


The winner of this years Polaris prize in Canada for the record "Les Chemins de verre"
Together since 1998 and releasing 4 full length records, this may just be the Francophone answer to Radiohead


Again with 4 full length records under their collective belts, this Montreal band is absolutely awe inspiring.
The latest album "La Caverne" has not left my Itunes list in weeks!


Coeur De Pirate
-sorry bout the commercial-

La Patere Rose

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Dont Mistake....

Don't mistake coincidence for fate.
This is a reoccurring theme in the television series "Lost" that i am currently addicted to. It is quite interesting if you sit back and think about it, and what the saying truly encompasses. All of these little sayings that we hear as our life moves through its journey, like , you make your own luck, everything happens for a reason, and so on and so forth, really do have some bearing to them , if you allow your mind to think openly and be aware.
Today on a flight from Calgary to Vancouver i sat beside a lady who instantly had a connection with. Just through the shear timing of the situation , i helped her with her luggage into the overhead compartment, and then we sat down beside each other and began talking. It was an easy conversation wrought with insight and knowledge. Not only has she experienced similar life situations as I am currently dealing with, but she is working on a book about it all. I will withhold the working title for now, but must say it is brilliant.
This lady is on her way to Australia to be with her partner of ten years or so. Both parties are artists, writers, creators , and open minded individuals. Having been able to make a cross continent long distance relationship work through all these years and thriving on each others attributes and talents. Our conversation crossed paths such as being able to make life and career work out while maintaining priorities and following natural instinct and intuition.
This may seem rather jumbled , but i truly feel i was meant to be on that flight, in the seat beside her, and she was put there for the purpose of meeting me and becoming my friend.
Life has always, and will always work in ways that we will never understand. Those who are negative and shut out the potential will never be the recievers of some of the little gifts life has to offer. However if you are open minded and aware you never know what you may find, learn, discover, unravel , or just simply marvel at.

This ladies partner is an Australian artist famous for painting the worlds larges work of art. A truly stunning masterpiece that one becomes all encompassed within.
Check out the link to his website and works of art. Oh , and remember to pay attention to who is beside you on your next flight, bus trip, or what not, as you just never know.

My Local

Not that i spend much time in Vancouver these days....but....steps from cozy little apartment is my local pub. Recently having undergone renovations and an ownership change, tonight will be my first time visiting...I hope they like me!