Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Abrupt Closure

This is the school that i moved to Vancouver 13 years ago to attend...

Degrees cut short as film school shuts

Monday, April 18, 2011

Sometimes you just want to hide under the console

Erykah Badu took to the stage at the Coachella festival this weekend and seemingly despite the best efforts of the monitor mixer and crew, the vocal feedback just never went away. Now I know how it feels to be in the stage left hot seat when things are not going so well. In fact a couple years back I had one of those nights in Guelph Ontario with Loreena McKennit. Festivals are really what seperate the men from the boys when it comes to on the fly mixing and showing your chops...but hey, even the best of us have bad days.
By all accounts, Erykah is not the easiest person to work for. Notoriously late, and full of demands...a high number of musicians and back up vocalists on stage , with mostly everyone on convential floor wedges. Still though, at somepoint if the money microphone is continuing to feedback in the wedges, you sure as hell better fix it, or be prepared to suffer the wrath. In reading accounts of her set it appears as if the vocal feedback was prevalant the whole set and she let it be known that she was very unhappy. Calling out the staff on the microphone and eventually ending her set 20 minutes early.....tough one for the mixer I must say.
We have a bit of a saying in this business that you are only as good as your last show. However in the stage left hotseat we have thick skin, and often if we are let go from one artist, or if we have a shit show...we bounce back with someone else, or if we are lucky, we revitalise our standing with a loyal and somewhat understanding artist through another chance, and another show...
I remember seeing Audioslave at the Joint in Las Vegas a number of years back and they were having serious feedback issues on stage. Chris Cornell says loud and clear over the microphone, "we aint stoppin till the feedback stops and i dont think its ever f****n stoppin!" Of course the crowd roars , and the mixer stage left is more flustered than ever!
Now listen carefully to the following clip and you will hear what i am talking about. Never mind the video angle as it is shit, but the audio quality is good.
Also include is the Los Angeles times article in which I heard about this "glitch filled set."

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Holy Balls Batman!

Continuing to make us Canadians proud whether you like them or not.....
Check out this final song of the night for The Arcade Fire as they headlined COachella this past saturday night...
oh, and wait for the balls!

...and probably my favorite song from their discography

More Great Causes

My best friend in the whole wide world is Jen , and her mom is one of those people that you just thank God we have. I mean Jen is equally as amazing, but her mom Donna has done some seriously inspiring things through an organization that she helped to found back in the light of Hurricane Katrina.
Recently honored as the "animal health technologist" of the year award, Donna continues to break down barriers when it comes to the state of animals in both impoverished countries and places in need of disaster relief.
Again i urge you to click the following link and educate yourself...we all know that knowledge is power!

A Great Cause

A friend of mine in Vancouver is one of those friends that you are proud to have. You know the type, helping with relief efforts in times of crisis, donating time and energy to non profit organizations, and just generally being proactive as a human being in our global connected world.
She is off to Africa soon on her second mission to help under privileged children in a third world country.
I myself have donated as its currently my only means of support. I urge you my followers to check out the following link and to at least be aware.
It's good to have friends like these as they help to open your eyes to the current realities of our world.
It is not all pretty

Friday, April 15, 2011

Must Watch TV

Over the course of the past couple of years I have really gotten into watching quality television shows. I am not biased towards network and find that great shows can be found on the regular networks like CBS, NBC, ABC and such as well as on the cable programmers like Showcase, HBO, AMC and FX. I guess it is mostly due to my travel and lifestyle, but i have really been able to dive into full series' with reckless abandonment.
I am going to list a few of the shows that i have watched in their entirety and the qualities that make it appealing and addictive to me.

First up...oh, and these are not in any particular order other than how they are flowing from my brain...which by the way works in mysterious ways..and not like the U2 song, but more like the 80s teen comedy "Weird Science."

Breaking Bad

Probably the best written television show i have ever come across in the drama category. Well LOST may just be in the running for this title but i am only on episode 10 of the first season.
With Breaking Bad , which is on the AMC network , the character development , storyline, cinematography and cast is bar none.
I found myself rooting for Walt at the beginning and later on wishing he would get what he deserves. Its the type of show that really grabs you and places you firmly in the center of the action with your head on a swivel to take it all in.
Aaron Paul is one of the best actors I have come across on the small screen and his character of Jessie Pinkman is a true testament to character writing.
I pretty much plowed through 3 seasons of this show in record time on my laptop during countless bus rides across Europe and the United Kingdom. The biggest letdown of this show so far to me is that upon the cliff hanger ending of the final episode of season 3 , i was informed through the web that i would need to wait almost a year for season 4 to debut!! Now i do not like to watch a show as it runs in real time because waiting was never my come July of 2011 i need to make a choice...either watch it weekly as it airs...or try to tune it all out and watch the full season upon conclusion...we shall see....


Now again, remember these shows are not listed in any particular order, and order is not what Weeds is all about! A comedy/drama that airs on the Showtime Network, Weeds has enjoyed 7 seasons of fairly high ratings and some serious plot twists and turns. In fact, some of the shenanigans that go on in later seasons is almost too much to handle. My saving grace with this show is that the brother in law, Andy, played by Justin Kirk, is one of the funniest guys around! In later seasons he actually hooks up with Alanis of my favs even to this day! As you watch this show develop pay attention to the opening music...
The premise of the show is newly single mother of two, Nancy Botwin, played by Mary Louise Parker, turns to dealing weed as a means of income to pay her mortgage,bills, and to raise her two boys. The cast of this show is brilliant I must say, with Kevin Nealon being a personal highlight!

30 Rock

This was the show that i started watching during the Olympics in Vancouver last Feb 2010. I only have two words to describe 30 Rock ...Liz Lemon, LIz Lemon, Liz Lemon!


All i can say is that I truly love this show and this past season, which was number 4, i actually watched real time. Secretly Hank Moody is my idol! Go Hank Go!


My sister tried to get me to watch this show for quite some time, however i could not get into it. This all changed once i was able to get past the blood and the first two episodes. Wow did i become a Dexter addict! In fact i transferred some of the skills I learned while watching the show into solving a bit of a crime we had while on the road in the UK. There was a kidnapping of a stuffed animal who lived in catering and i became the lead forensic investigator!

Here are some more shows that captured my attention and kept me sane throughout countless hours spent on airplanes, busses, trains, boats, and time at home in the late night hours...

Skins (UK)

Summer Heights High (australia)

Modern Family


Now of course it is currently all about LOST for me......

Amazing film recs from my secret source across the pond

I am lucky in my travels and in my life to have found myself with some truly amazing, inspiring, creative, and all around beautiful human beings as friends.
The following film recommendations were recently sent to me by someone very special to me who lives in England. The source shall remain a secret as i am not always the best at sharing....
I plan on watching each one of these films as I have dubbed this the year of the cinema for if only i could stop watching the ABC television series LOST.....
A british film about a young boy desperate to lose his virginity

Beautiful Losers celebrates the creative spirit behind one of the most influential cultural movements of a generation.

In the words of my secret source...."he finest display of cinematography in the history of ever. Fact"

I will start watching once i figure out what the hell is going on with Charlie and Claire who are now missing on the island.....I hate you LOST!!!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

No Distance Left To Run

Back in the early 90s I remember seeing the videos on MuchMusic. I remember one particular interview on the nations music station with these four young kids from Britain who were completely messed up! Not just tired or drunk, but on some sort of drug unfamiliar to me. The band was Blur, lead by Damon Albarn and his boyhood bestfriend Graham Coxon. To me this was a band whose identity seemed to change with each video or single. In the beginning it was all about "boys and girls" and "Parklife", two songs that introduced me to Britpop. I know there were plenty of other artists at the time under the moniker of Britpop, but this was new to me. I wasn't complety sure if i liked it or not, but that interview where they were all fucked up had me completly intrigued. I have tried to find this interview on Youtube, but so far to no avail. Now I never purchased the albums at the time, and downloading was not in the picture as of yet, so in my mind Blur kind of went away. That was until a few years later when "Song 2" hit the airwaves and the tele. Wow! Now who was not singing and bopping along to Woo Hoo!! In all of its 2 minute glory the song was a powerhouse. What the hell happened to the somewhat androginistic quirky british pop songs. This was a rock and roll track in all its power!! Again though, i did not purchase the record. In 1999 I was living in Vancouver BC and my first roomate at the time purchased the record "13" from Blur and it was in constant rotation at our house. The track "Battle" was headphone candy that i was not experienced with but could not get enough of. Of course the single and chart topper "Tender" was a beautiful song to which the story was lost on me till now.
Fast forward a few years and the band breaks up and Damon Albarn leads the charge in a mysterious hip hop group the Gorrilaz. Graham Coxen releases a solo record, and once again Blur is off the map for me.
Approximately three months ago it was recommended to me that i should watch the Blur documentary movie "No Distance left To Run." This movie came about during a reunion tour of the band that I was familiar with involving festival dates in England and smaller intimate club shows. Upon watching this movie I came to realize why they were fucked up in that interview I had seen so many years ago. Why the stylistic changes came about from album to album. And just what an amazing friendship was really between Damon and Graham. I think whether you are a fan or not this movie if you are a music lover is something to be seen. Beautifully shot, candid, and without reservation, it is a must see in my eyes. I will also admit to having a wee bit of a man crush on Damon Albarn.
check it out....

Friday, April 8, 2011