Friday, May 21, 2010


You know that it must be something pretty damn amazing for me to get up at 8am on a day off. Well if floating cities, romance, and a history that stretches back for 1000 years is on the bill, then my alarm clock is set! Venezia here I come!
Today I left the hotel around 8:30am and set off for the train station. Not only was I awake and out of the hotel early, but I was knowingly and willingly about to travel on a day off. Now navigating a foreign train station is pretty much a game in its own right, one that can go either way in my experience. Without too much of a hassle I had my ticket for Venzia St. Lucia in hand and camera charged for battle.

I had never been to Venice before today and am glad that I had such a beautiful day to get over there and walk around such a historical city. It was everything I pictured it to be and then some! I actually figured the bugs and smell would be worse given the stagnet water is in such supply. Perhaps that’s later on into the summer, for today was a perfect day!

I am going to leave on teaser shot of the 1000s I took today. If my connection was not so slow and frustrating I would post more. You will however just have to wait until high speed is back on the menu.

After 3 days off here in Italy tomorrow we play a rather unconventional show in the main piazza here in Verona. Its basically a smaller version of Roma’s Colliseum.

With one photo for you to look at , and more to come, I turn out the lights and say ciao to the day that it was…

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