Thursday, May 20, 2010

Ciao from Italia!

In the last few days we have had a bit of a medical issue within the band prompting us to have to cancel or postpone two shows. This gave us, the crew, a few days off in Verona ITaly, which is where i currently sit. What an amazing city , and what a beautiful day to explore it and all its charm. It is after all the inspiration behind Romeo and Juliet from William Shakespeare. In face today i found myself underneath the balcony of miss Juliet of where the classic "balcony" scene is said to have taken place.

I must admit i may have even wrote a small note to include on the wall leading up to casa Juliet. Hey , what can i say..."when in Rome.." ..or in this case..when in Verona! To be perfectly honest it was a great day, the sun was out, not too many people, good company on my walkabouts , and a trial use of a killer camera lens from my good friend Shawn!
The following is sorta how my day went today..a glimpse into how i see things from my viewfinder....enjoy...

More to come when my internet connection is a lil better.....

okay here are some more...

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