Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Home is where I be...

We have just completed another US leg of the Crazy Love world tour and are nearing the end of this record cycle. Man it seems like just yesterday the Olympics had ended and I was flying to Jacksonville Florida to begin the first run of the new Buble world tour. Time sure does seem to fly, especially if you are having a good time, surrounded with good people, and part of an amazing organization.
I was fortunate to make some really wonderful new friends that will hold value in my heart and life for the rest of my time on this earth. People like David Boisvert, Marc Depratto, MarcO Magnon, Russ Keith,Todd Green, Bianca and Sari, and a few others have become really good friends of mine and I am thankful to have had the opportunity to spend time on busses, venues, pubs, restaraunts, parks, tourist sites, hotel lobbys, and of course late night truck stops. Its tough to explain to those who do not live this life, but your road family becomes everything to you. When your having a shit day they can pick you up, as you can do the same to them.
During the Crazy Love touring my mom had a brain anuerysm and I without hesitation left my post at stage left and went home to Calgary to be with my mom and family during our time of need. Everyone that i mentioned above, as well as the rest of our entire crew stepped up to the plate and covered me, supported me, listened to me, and made sure I was okay. This just does not happen when you work a 9 - 5 job or any other job for that matter. i am lucky, fortunate, and grateful for those in my life and the career that i chose to pursue.
We have one more leg of this tour left which will begin in Kelowna BC and finish in Mexico City. After that it will be back to the universal crew that i am a part of and our world promotions of Michael's new full length brand new Christmas album.

I apologize for not always updating, for not following through with more crew introductions, and for being downright lazy sometimes. However I am who I am and make no excuses for just being plain lazy sometimes.
Thanks to those who read and follow, who are patient, and who message me telling me they need an update. I will continue to use this blog site as an outlet when i need to vent, share, or just update.

Cheers to Michael and my road family! They say you are only as strong as your weakest link, and man oh man are we one helluva a strong crew!

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