Cee Lo Green! Thanks for making up for your performance on SNL. I thought you and the muppet backing band totally killed it! Just curious what the f**k was that you were wearing and where can i get a similar outfit!

The John Mayer, Keith Urban, Norah Jones bluegrass style version of Dolly's "Jolene" was absolutely stunning as far as I am concerned!
I feel the need to post another version of this song. Jack White sings with more emotion than most share in a lifetime. I know he has 100 other bands, but it was a sad day recently when they officially announced the ending of the White Stripes...:(
Gaga of course made quite the entrance, this time being carried in as an egg. Quite interesting i must say and all part of why i continue to be more and more of a fan. I know there is some backlash online in regards to her new single sounding exactly like Madonna's "Express Yourself". Hey peeps are you familiar with Australia's "Jet" and their rip off of "Lust for Life" by the one and only Iggy Pop! Anyways , Go Gaga Go!
Katy Perry is my current guilty pleasure and i thought her performance of Teenage Dream was great! Poor Biebs did not fair too well, but Buble won one!!
The folks at CBS are certainly happy as ratings seem to be for another year. You know, it was a well packaged show from what i say for the most part. I could bitch about missed audio cues, and rather dark lighting...but i am in way too good of a mood to bitch today!
T-minus about eight hours until Craigers hits the various dancefloors in the infamous Kings Cross.....
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