I have always been a fan and am happy to see the one and only Marshall Mathers come back out swinging with his latest release Recovery. He was in quite a funk after losing his best friend, the usual struggles with Kim, and the introduction of pills into his daily routine. I believe i read somewhere that he ballooned up to almost 300lbs and refused to leave his house for almost a year.
Well look whos back, back again. This time with more intensity and drive than ever.
Despite the audio mix being rather subpar and the lighting leaving us all to wonder why we cannot see anything, this performance is freakin intense and i think you should watch it!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Aussie Sports
Most of you I am sure are familiar with popular Australian sports such as Cricket or AUssie Rules Football. Perhaps even lesser known but well played games such as lawn bowling. HOwever how many of you are familiar or hip to the extreme sport of "Ghosting". Yes that is right kids, Ghosting. Made famous by the Aussie due Amish and Andy. For those of you who are not familiar check out a few clips posted below and be-careful of your technique when out on the playing field.
Monday, February 14, 2011
The Grammys
Congratulations to Canada's own Arcade fire. Although not to be cynical or such, but I am pretty sure that there was a split vote between Katy Perry and Gaga resulting in Canada's Indie Darlings receiving the top prize. In any event good for them! Now can someone please tell me why the show producers felt the need to strap cameras on helmets and have some hotshot BMX trixters ride around the stage during the Arcade Fires performance. Is this somesort of abstract tie in to the name of the album , The Suburbs...honestly....THey are one of the most amazing live acts out there and I am pretty sure we dont need to see some BMX dudes criss crossing around the stage.
Cee Lo Green! Thanks for making up for your performance on SNL. I thought you and the muppet backing band totally killed it! Just curious what the f**k was that you were wearing and where can i get a similar outfit!

The John Mayer, Keith Urban, Norah Jones bluegrass style version of Dolly's "Jolene" was absolutely stunning as far as I am concerned!
I feel the need to post another version of this song. Jack White sings with more emotion than most share in a lifetime. I know he has 100 other bands, but it was a sad day recently when they officially announced the ending of the White Stripes...:(
Gaga of course made quite the entrance, this time being carried in as an egg. Quite interesting i must say and all part of why i continue to be more and more of a fan. I know there is some backlash online in regards to her new single sounding exactly like Madonna's "Express Yourself". Hey peeps are you familiar with Australia's "Jet" and their rip off of "Lust for Life" by the one and only Iggy Pop! Anyways , Go Gaga Go!
Katy Perry is my current guilty pleasure and i thought her performance of Teenage Dream was great! Poor Biebs did not fair too well, but Buble won one!!
The folks at CBS are certainly happy as ratings seem to be for another year. You know, it was a well packaged show from what i say for the most part. I could bitch about missed audio cues, and rather dark lighting...but i am in way too good of a mood to bitch today!
T-minus about eight hours until Craigers hits the various dancefloors in the infamous Kings Cross.....
Cee Lo Green! Thanks for making up for your performance on SNL. I thought you and the muppet backing band totally killed it! Just curious what the f**k was that you were wearing and where can i get a similar outfit!

The John Mayer, Keith Urban, Norah Jones bluegrass style version of Dolly's "Jolene" was absolutely stunning as far as I am concerned!
I feel the need to post another version of this song. Jack White sings with more emotion than most share in a lifetime. I know he has 100 other bands, but it was a sad day recently when they officially announced the ending of the White Stripes...:(
Gaga of course made quite the entrance, this time being carried in as an egg. Quite interesting i must say and all part of why i continue to be more and more of a fan. I know there is some backlash online in regards to her new single sounding exactly like Madonna's "Express Yourself". Hey peeps are you familiar with Australia's "Jet" and their rip off of "Lust for Life" by the one and only Iggy Pop! Anyways , Go Gaga Go!
Katy Perry is my current guilty pleasure and i thought her performance of Teenage Dream was great! Poor Biebs did not fair too well, but Buble won one!!
The folks at CBS are certainly happy as ratings seem to be for another year. You know, it was a well packaged show from what i say for the most part. I could bitch about missed audio cues, and rather dark lighting...but i am in way too good of a mood to bitch today!
T-minus about eight hours until Craigers hits the various dancefloors in the infamous Kings Cross.....
Sydney Citizen
I figure that since we are spending a whole week here, doing four sold out shows, that I can consider myself a resident. Last night was our first show here at the ACER Arena, and by all accounts it went very well. Great looking crowd, in their seats nice and early and a great vibe transferred throughout the evening!
I had the chance to catch up with a good Aussie mate last night who was a guest at our show along with his wife. Of course beers were consumed after and another good night was had by all!
With night number two happening tonight and a day off here tomorrow the potential for some epic dance floor maneuvers is quite possible! In fact i would say it is a sure bet!
I really like this city and have been lucky to have spent a fair bit of time here over the years. There are some seriously great restaurants, amazing nightlife, beautiful scenery and stunning girls! On sunday night , the day we got in here, a few of us hit my favorite Thai restaurant followed by another night at the bowling lanes! I will admit without embarrassment that i am rather addicted to ten pin bowling! I plan on bowling in every city while over here...sorta of like the aussie open for touring crew personel but with bowling replacing tennis.
Thats it for now folks!
I had the chance to catch up with a good Aussie mate last night who was a guest at our show along with his wife. Of course beers were consumed after and another good night was had by all!
With night number two happening tonight and a day off here tomorrow the potential for some epic dance floor maneuvers is quite possible! In fact i would say it is a sure bet!
I really like this city and have been lucky to have spent a fair bit of time here over the years. There are some seriously great restaurants, amazing nightlife, beautiful scenery and stunning girls! On sunday night , the day we got in here, a few of us hit my favorite Thai restaurant followed by another night at the bowling lanes! I will admit without embarrassment that i am rather addicted to ten pin bowling! I plan on bowling in every city while over here...sorta of like the aussie open for touring crew personel but with bowling replacing tennis.
Thats it for now folks!
Saturday, February 12, 2011
The Crew Down Under
Australia is rather unique in that it is a country as well as a continent. it is also rather unique in the touring world in that the crew is never on busses over here, you fly to each city and stay in nice hotels. Now this may sound quite appealing on paper , however what happens is the rare sighting of the roadie in the wild without a sheltered habitat to call home at the venues. On a typical touring show day after soundcheck many roadies would partake in the sacred event known as the "pre show nap." I myself am a firm believer and subscriber in this technique and look forward to it throughout the day. So , take away the busses, and you take away the instinctual nesting place of the touring roadie. Therefore you start to notice the effect known as "roadies in the venue". Basically a spinoff of Gorillas in the midst. You may see a lighting girl lying in a hallway on her laptop. You could spot the ever elusive rigger sitting on some steps staring at his watch waiting for the show and subsequent load out to start. Perhaps the audio crew can be found in the corner of the venue taking up every square inch of bandwidth that is available.
It is quite the sight to see I must say, all these roadies sprawled out in odd places throughout the venue. Some of the smarter roadies who are able to adapt ever so quickly will be reverting to their marsupial instincts and will string a hammock up in a quiet resting place. Others will be lost and will wander the halls aimlessly, thinking one more cup of coffee should do the trick. However that will no doubt make it worse.
If you get a chance to see the roadie without his natural habitat of a touring bus parked close by, please always approach with caution. They can be quite dangerous should they be tired or grumpy. Its always a good idea to have a cigarette near by to use as bait of sorts. I wish you luck should you cross paths with one of these creatures, but remember for the most part they are very friendly and warm hearted. It is just the adjustment phase that can be rough!
Show number two tonight in Brisbane followed by a flight to Sydney tomorrow for a weeks worth of shows.
stay tuned!
It is quite the sight to see I must say, all these roadies sprawled out in odd places throughout the venue. Some of the smarter roadies who are able to adapt ever so quickly will be reverting to their marsupial instincts and will string a hammock up in a quiet resting place. Others will be lost and will wander the halls aimlessly, thinking one more cup of coffee should do the trick. However that will no doubt make it worse.
If you get a chance to see the roadie without his natural habitat of a touring bus parked close by, please always approach with caution. They can be quite dangerous should they be tired or grumpy. Its always a good idea to have a cigarette near by to use as bait of sorts. I wish you luck should you cross paths with one of these creatures, but remember for the most part they are very friendly and warm hearted. It is just the adjustment phase that can be rough!
Show number two tonight in Brisbane followed by a flight to Sydney tomorrow for a weeks worth of shows.
stay tuned!
Thursday, February 10, 2011
After two days of preproduction and a rehearsal today is the first show day of the Crazy Love Australian Extravaganza! We are all ready and the vibe is very upbeat! Yesterday Michael arrived after a press conference in Sydney and was in great spirits! THe rehearsal went very well and our new guitar player is finding his feet.
Like i have mentioned before we are performing mulitple dates in every city so the potential for trouble is always near by. I however have been in bed the last three nights before 11pm and am feeling better than ever!
Tonight is sold out, as are the rest of the dates.....
Like i have mentioned before we are performing mulitple dates in every city so the potential for trouble is always near by. I however have been in bed the last three nights before 11pm and am feeling better than ever!
Tonight is sold out, as are the rest of the dates.....
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Please just smile and enjoy a Vegemite Sandwich!
I am pretty sure I have gained a few new readers in the last week or so and reckon it is about time to hit you all with an update. Oh, and that's right...I sure did say "reckon". In fact that may just be the tip of the iceberg when it comes to my upcoming usage of native Australian lingo! Now that i am down under on the newest and coolest installment of the "Crazy Love" world domination tour I figure I am more than entitled to!
So back to the newest followers in the every growing, and expanding ramblings or postings that are indeed mine. Well I have been thinking lately about what it must have been that brought you into this expanded listing of followers, and without a shadow of a doubt I have come to the conclusion that it must have been the January month long special presentation "Cooking with Craigers". It seems to have been a hit of sorts thus leading me to conclude you new fans and followers are here with hopes of new and exciting recipes. Please don't you spend a minute worrying, as there will be plenty of future episodes of the smash it....just not right now. Craigers is in Australia and looking forward to meals out and yummy catering! Future episodes may contain guests or guest recipes, a possible collaboration, and potentially even a bloopers and highlight entry. However for now the show is in fact on hiatus while I, Craigers, resumes regular broadcast duties.
So back on my chair under the stage left staircase I call home again. A massive sold out tour of Australia with some dates in SE Asia at the end. The real kicker to the whole tour however though is that of my mini Thai getaway at the end. Eight glorious days will be spent on the island of Koh Phi Phi. Which i hear from previous visitors is pretty damn stunning! Australia is mad for Michael and this tour has been sold out since May of last year. I do not quite know the math on the tour but i can say that is all multiple nights in all major cities and all well sold out! So here we go again! The timing is right and I am ready to go , but that is not without saying i thoroughly enjoyed my last extended break.
No work for me since December 15th of last year when we flew home from performing on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno which concluded a month long US tour, the third full US leg of the Crazy Love Tour. In fact the show here on Friday night will be that of 110 out of who the hell knows. Many Many more to come i am sure. Getting back to my break I have to admit it was well needed, well deserved, and well appreciated. I was able to make my new little apartment into a nice cozy home. I was able to prepare some of my own meals and document their great success in my tummy! I was able to connect with some old friends and make some new ones. Actually to be honest i may have even lost one or two. Sometimes Craigers can show the true gemini in his personality and it's not always nice. Back to good things though...ha. I really honestly felt a connection and bond with my home, my friends, and the city I call home , Vancouver.
With most of my time spent home reconnecting with my home , i was able to spend the holidays in Calgary as well as one other quick visit near the end of January. For those of you who ask about my mom or wonder about her recovery I must say that she is doing astonishing! Without going into great detail she really has a second lease on life and I believe we are all well on our way to making the most of it!
Okay so I know that in the past i have promised lots of photos, or interviews with the crew. This tour I promise nothing, as with our last Australian tour the slogan "Irresponsible in Australia" is not without saying. It takes a whole crew to make things happen though, not just yours truly. This time i promise nothing to you all except for randomness, honesty, some quirky things, and hopefully regularity. I plan on just writing lots as i feel the need to write. Sometimes these can be the ramblings of a madman, other times they can be insight into a pure genius, (maybe too far). In any event I am back on the road and life is good....stay tuned...
So back to the newest followers in the every growing, and expanding ramblings or postings that are indeed mine. Well I have been thinking lately about what it must have been that brought you into this expanded listing of followers, and without a shadow of a doubt I have come to the conclusion that it must have been the January month long special presentation "Cooking with Craigers". It seems to have been a hit of sorts thus leading me to conclude you new fans and followers are here with hopes of new and exciting recipes. Please don't you spend a minute worrying, as there will be plenty of future episodes of the smash it....just not right now. Craigers is in Australia and looking forward to meals out and yummy catering! Future episodes may contain guests or guest recipes, a possible collaboration, and potentially even a bloopers and highlight entry. However for now the show is in fact on hiatus while I, Craigers, resumes regular broadcast duties.
So back on my chair under the stage left staircase I call home again. A massive sold out tour of Australia with some dates in SE Asia at the end. The real kicker to the whole tour however though is that of my mini Thai getaway at the end. Eight glorious days will be spent on the island of Koh Phi Phi. Which i hear from previous visitors is pretty damn stunning! Australia is mad for Michael and this tour has been sold out since May of last year. I do not quite know the math on the tour but i can say that is all multiple nights in all major cities and all well sold out! So here we go again! The timing is right and I am ready to go , but that is not without saying i thoroughly enjoyed my last extended break.
No work for me since December 15th of last year when we flew home from performing on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno which concluded a month long US tour, the third full US leg of the Crazy Love Tour. In fact the show here on Friday night will be that of 110 out of who the hell knows. Many Many more to come i am sure. Getting back to my break I have to admit it was well needed, well deserved, and well appreciated. I was able to make my new little apartment into a nice cozy home. I was able to prepare some of my own meals and document their great success in my tummy! I was able to connect with some old friends and make some new ones. Actually to be honest i may have even lost one or two. Sometimes Craigers can show the true gemini in his personality and it's not always nice. Back to good things though...ha. I really honestly felt a connection and bond with my home, my friends, and the city I call home , Vancouver.
With most of my time spent home reconnecting with my home , i was able to spend the holidays in Calgary as well as one other quick visit near the end of January. For those of you who ask about my mom or wonder about her recovery I must say that she is doing astonishing! Without going into great detail she really has a second lease on life and I believe we are all well on our way to making the most of it!
Okay so I know that in the past i have promised lots of photos, or interviews with the crew. This tour I promise nothing, as with our last Australian tour the slogan "Irresponsible in Australia" is not without saying. It takes a whole crew to make things happen though, not just yours truly. This time i promise nothing to you all except for randomness, honesty, some quirky things, and hopefully regularity. I plan on just writing lots as i feel the need to write. Sometimes these can be the ramblings of a madman, other times they can be insight into a pure genius, (maybe too far). In any event I am back on the road and life is good....stay tuned...
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Computers and Blues

Dear Mr. Skinner,
I am writing to say thank you for all of your stories, your insight, your opinion and for your willingness to share with all of us over the last ten years. I remember first being introduced to you and the sleepless nights I spent with "Has it come to this" stuck in my head. I was shocked at the realism behind "Turn the Page", and was elated the first time I heard "Weak become heros" on the dancefloor of my favorite Vancouver club.
I felt bad for you when you lost that thousand quid early on in your second record, but not nearly as upset or emotional as when I related to "Dry Your Eyes". Now tell me this Mike, how come even in quirky, garage, drum and bass with precursors to dubstep, does it take a heartbreak to really connect to the masses? Ahh the birds hey....where would we be without them!
Now I will admit I sort of left you to your own devices during your "Hardest time to make an easy Living". I know you were going through alot during that time in your life. We all remember the dutch festival fiasco. However you managed to really get to me again later on in that record when you professed that "You never went to Church." Once again you placed your heart firmingly on your sleeve and invited us all in to share with you. You know what though....I am pretty damn sure that he is just as proud of you whilst staring down as mine is proud of me. The reminders , the memories, and the little things like interruptions are what lead me to believe they are always watching out for us. Have you heard the one about the Priest, The Protestant, and the Clergyman?
During your time off away from all of us, there were minor threats that the next release would be the final as "The Streets". I must admit I wasn't buying it. I felt some of your strongest work was still to come. With Everything is Borrowed we started hanging out again Mike! "I think I love you more than you like me" was in high rotation, because damn damn damn was it appropriate in my current time. I still have my own little dance step i created while going the "Way of the Dodo". I mean seriously...it begs for innovation! "Never give in" made me think you were getting back to the dude I had come to know. Slightly cocky but not over confident. A stride in the step but not a bounce. And I can only imagine how hard it must have been for you to put "The Strongest Person I Know" on record. Mr. Skinner you really gave us all you had on that one. Although I feel the need to tell you i think you were a little flat on that last note.....haha...i have developed a cheeky side to my humor through your stories.
...and so my good friend, the one and only Juice was the one responsible for our introduction oh so many years ago. Its quite fitting as last night he presented me with "Computers and Blues". I know I know, i got a leaked copy , but I am sure you support that sort of stuff to some degree this day and age. You have assured us now though that as your friends, your fans, your family and your confidents that this will indeed be the final offerring as "The Streets". You and i hung out all day today as i spun through the new album , taking it in, absorbing ,swallowing and digesting. You helped me to clean my house today with a smile on my face. I also revisted all of our previous steps in our relationship that has now spanned 5 albums. I did put down the cleaning cloth during "Inside Outside" and "The Truth" cause honestly, sometimes you just gotta groove!
Befittingly I am still the guy who smokes one too many cigarettes, and i have had my fair share of gambles with this life i lead. "Lock the Locks", so damn good Mike, so damn good!
Anyways my english friend, I have rambled far too much already and shall sign off. Plus those that read my writings and follow my travels are probably wondering if i really do actually know you. Well truth be known we have never met, nor have I even seen you in concert before...but yes, I do know you, at least I sure feel as if i do. You are one of the most honest and sincere lyricists and artists i have had the pleasure of getting to know through the course of your five albums!
Thank you!
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