Saturday, September 11, 2010


Nine years ago today the world stood in shock as the twin towers in NYC fell to the ground. The victims of an apparent terrorist attack brought on by planes crashing into them. Now as the years have passed and conspiracies have grown, i know i have come to my own conclusions about what happened. But have you? Or have you just continued to buy the story that unskilled pilots with box cutters managed to take over the planes and then steer them towards the towers. After which the buildings became the only two steel structures in the history of the world to crash completely down to the ground because of fires. I know these fires were fueled by jet fuel, but apparently the same jet fuel was not hot enough to burn desks or bookshelfs over at the pentagon. In all honesty it doesn't take a rocket scientist to look over the facts and raise questions about the official release of events at the WTC. What we have been told, and what we are supposed to believe is what happened is really something that can only continue for so long. The Bush administration and official 911 committee did a stellar job in only discussing what they wanted to discuss. They were able to shove aside any questions of controversy and close the books on the investigation when they decided all had been done that needed to be done. It is actually a bit of a slap in the face to us that we are supposed to believe the findings of the 911 committee and carry on our lives in a state of fear over future terrorist attacks. The only terrorists we need to worry about are that of our own governments and the men who we do not know exist who really control everything.

Check out the following links if you have any interest in discovering facts about 911 that we are not supposed to know...

The above link is to the movie Zeitgeist , which i believe is a powerful movie we should all see. If you are not interested in the first bit, skip forward to the second segment on 911. The 3rd segment, the men behind the curtain , is astonishing!

the above link is on WTC building 7. A mere 8 hours after the south tower fell building 7 also fell to the ground. No plane had come into contact with building seven , yet it fell in the exact same way as the other two towers. I am no expert in controlled demolition, but i dont think one needs to be to view the collapse of all three buildings and raise some serious questions regarding internal demolition

I would say that the real tragedy in the events of 9/11 is that we are supposed to be naive enough to believe the official story of what happened. I say this with no disrespect to the victims families, but seriously now people, one day the truth will be revealed.

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