Friday, July 23, 2010

late night lists

Dear Mr or Mrs sleep fairy...

Since you continually seem to elude me and allow me to struggle to achieve quality restful sleep, i am now forced to post a couple top ten lists for my readers. If they do not like them, or perhaps they are not are unfortunately to blame as i should be sound asleep at this moment...

Top Ten Reasons you Know you are in Calgary.

1. For ten days in July you are 100% cowboy/cowgirl
2. To get anywhere in this city be prepared for a minimum one hour drive
3. Feel free to substitute "Howdy" in place of "Hello"
4. When searching for culture be prepared to find none
5. Oil and Gas - Oil and Gas...what could be wrong with Oil and Gas!
6. Hail stones the size of golf balls are no big deal
7. Giant "fuck off" trucks consume the roadways...the bigger the better
8. You realize that racism, bigotry, and stereotyping is alive and well in Cowtown
9. With only 3 months of decent weather you notice 1000 construction projects on the go wreaking havoc!
10. Every big box retailer you could ever dream of flock here to thrive in modern suburbia!

Top Ten Reasons I Miss Vancouver

1. My bed and my new place
2 The ocean air and the view of the Mountains
3. My many wonderful friends of whom i do not see enough of
4. The mom and pop shops have still managed to survive keeping the big box in the burbs
5. The eclectic neighborhoods full of culture and diversity
6. the Food Food Food....Yum Yum YUm
7. The MOrrissey...oh! how i miss you
8. Coffee that is not from Starbucks or another chain
9. The feeling of a city connected....
10. thriving arts, culture, community, music, etc...

1 comment:

  1. Wow. I guess I wont be adding Calgary to my list of places to visit anytime soon :) ... I would love to go to Vancouver though.
