For those of you who already know i appreciate your prayers, thoughts and offers of assistance. For those of you who do not know and maybe interested in finding out what is going on. I have chosen to use my road journal as a means to inform you all. Last tuesday, the 22nd of June while i was just finishing up my first show back on the "Crazy Love Tour" , my mom was suffering from a brain aneurysm back here in Calgary. I received that call you never want to get while away working. I must say that i have the most amazing road family anyone could ever ask for, and if i was not able to get home here to Calgary fast enough i am pretty sure MIchael would have hired a jet for me. He is that kind of guy and I cannot express nearly enough how thankful i am to have him as my boss and my friend.
After arriving here to Calgary around noon on the 23rd of June i was met at the airport by my sister as my mom had since been taken into surgery to stop the bleeding and remove the blood that had accumulated. The aneurysm had occurred on the right side of the brain , and by all accounts the 8 hour surgery went as well as it could.
At around 8:30pm that wednesday night i was allowed into the ICU for the first time to see my mom. Its never an easy feeling when you are first walking in to see a parent who is quite sick and surviving by being on machines. I have been down this road with my father and knew somewhat what to expect.
She was intubated with a breathing machine and there was of course a whole host of other tubes , wires, IVs and all that comes with the territory in the Intensive Care Unit.
The last five days have been a bit of a rollercoaster and at this moment we are still in the ICU with a breathing machine doing most of the work. There are unfortunately some pretty serious other conditions that have come into play as my mom avoided doctors for a good part of her life. We are battling with heart failure and severe respitory problems which all contribute to having to stay on the breathing machine and quite heavily sedated. This has stopped us from figuring out what the damage to the brain is from the aneurysm. Once we get a little more stable and off the breathing machine we can lighten up on the sedation and start to get a better handle on her level of comprehension , motor functions, and long term outlook.
Thank you to everyone who has called, emailed, prayed, or messaged me on facebook to offer support in anyway they can. I am very lucky to have the amazing road family that i have , as well as some seriously great friends in my corner. My family is one I am proud to be a part of and together as teammates we are all fighting this battle.
thank you all...
the following clip is from one of my mom's favorite songs ...she always said to me that she hopes I dance....:)
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