Sometime around 1993 I was introduced to a pretty serious kick ass rock n roll band. A no frills what you see is what you get group of law breakers, drug addicts, leather wearing and unapologetic for their actions type of band. The band was The Four Horsemen from Hollywood California. Originally put together by former cult bass player Stephen Harris the first EP was released in 1989 when rock of all sorts, be it sleeze rock, glam rock, or just plain rock and roll still ruled our airwaves and record stores. We know of course that in the next year or so the throne was overtaken by Seattle and the "grunge" scene. I mean even for myself Kurt Cobain, Eddie Vedder, Chris Cornell and Layne Staley took over my cassete deck and new CD player. Vince Neil and his band of merry men were overnight replaced in my mind with this plaid shirt wearing, shoe gazing angst! To be honest i have since revisted my love for the days of glam rock and sleezy riffs and rock out quite often to the likes of Motley Crue, Tesla, and whoever else. Anyways, back on track here...geez i get sidetracked easily..ha! So its 1993 (i believe) and i am living in Calgary Alberta and am a regular patron at the Back Alley nightclub, nick named the Crack Alley for its high level of leather and sleeze...ha! So at the Back Alley bands played probably 3 nights a week or so. From national touring acts to local acts on the up and up the Back Alley was the host to many a live show for me. Being a frequent customer, and a social one at that, i was of course friend with all the staff and found myself getting into all the shows for free! This helped me to discover acts i would never have paid to see having not known them previously. This leads me to the night i first saw Frank Starr and the Four Horsemen. Well holy F**K did they blow me away! I mean literally i was left wondering what had just hit me , and why was the stage still intact , because they had just destroyed the place!
Okay so lets talk about the Four Horsemen and that particular night and its effect on me, the ever impressionable 20 year old music lover!
The album they were out supporting was called "Nobody Said It Was Easy". Now this record was completed sometime in late 89 / early 90 , but was held up for release due to legal issues with Rick Rubin. That in combination with band issues such as Frank Starr spending time in jail on drug charges basically had the band miss the moment and almost get left behind for good. Remember grunge has now taken over and there is no longer much of a market for rock and roll of this style.
So despite various jail stints, legal issues, and a changing music scene , the Four Horsemen got their shit together enough in 92/ 93 to hit the road and destroy the venues they were booked in. Now they must have toured nonstop once they started because i saw them twice in Calgary between 93 and 94. I am not kidding when i say that these shows were legendary and epic in my mind and very influential towards me wanting desperatly to work in live music!
Now in 1994 two separate tragedies struck the band. The first being on September 27th when drummer Ken "Dimwit" Montgomery died on the downtown eastside of Vancouver BC of a heroin overdose. You have to understand the madness behind this drummer was like no other. I still have a stick signed by him with me to this day and i am not kidding it is basically a tree trunk. The heaviest drumstick one could use, and he pounded that kit like it was his last night playing. Its a real shame that the city i would eventually call home would be the one to take the life of such a man.
Working on production of the upcoming third release the band soldiered on with the loss of Dimwit welcoming his brother to the band to finish the recording. The 3rd record titled "Getting Pretty Good at Barely Getting By" hosted a touching tribute to Dimwit called "Song for Absent Friends", which would stir emotion inside anyone who has lost someone close to them.
In 1995 with recording complete and a release on the horizon , charismatic and crazy lead singer Frank Starr was hit by a drunk driver while riding his motorcycle along sunset strip. Massive head injuries left Starr in a coma and a future in question. Knowing that he would want the band to continue , the remaining members brought in Ron Young to handle lead vocals with the hope that Frank would recover and return to the band down the road. This was not to be unfortunately, and on June 18th, 1999 he succumbed to injuries sustained that day 4 years earlier. In an interesting paradox, the day he died, June 18th, was the day I celebrated my 25th birthday.
The band officially called it quits after Frank's death despite it really being over the day Dimwit died on the streets of Vancouver.
Now thats the story of the Four Horsemen according to me. This is a band that kicked my ass! A band that shared straight glasses of Jack Daniels with me at the Back Alley Nightclub. A band that took the time to sign drumsticks and guitar picks for me. A band that despite being fucked up and draped with women post show, hung out with a young kid with too many questions.
Having lost way too many close family members and friends in my life, I know in my heart that these people or bands never really go away. In our hearts the music and the memories not only live on , but gain strength throughout time.
My sincere thanks to Frank, Dimwit, Dave, Stephen, Haggis, and Ben for your place in my life.
Gone but never forgotten
Now check out Dimwit in this video!
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