There was a time when i got really excited to goto New York City. I mean it is the most exciting city in the world is it not?
However over the course of the past 6 years i think i have been there over 20 times and to be honest i am a little bit over it. Dont get me wrong I still love it , and it really is quite magical, especially at this time of year, it just can be a little too full on all the time.
So here I am on a sunday night, packing for the next three weeks of our current promotional tour. Dear god am i glad to be leaving raincouver...seriously enough is enough. We start in New York and then head off to Europe and the UK for more television and radio performances leading up to Christmas..which by the way i am boycotting this year! That will be its own post at some point i am sure.
So here in no particular order is the soundtrack to my sunday night suitcase pack and life check.....